Senior Finance Manager at Amazon
Kendra Ruth Mathias is a Senior Finance Manager at Amazon in Seattle, Washington. As a Senior Finance Manager on the Alexa Finance team she is responsible for short and long-term financial planning of the Echo/Alexa business. She maintains operating and business metrics related to Alexa while developing efficient and scalable financial processes. Kendra has over 18 years of corporate finance experience ranging from credit advisory roles to traditional financial planning and analysis roles.
Kendra was born and raised in New York City and has been in the Pacific Northwest for over 5 years. She spends her time traveling (45 countries so far), reading and involving herself in volunteer matters related to STEM initiatives and Economic Empowerment. Her goal is to influence others to hold themselves to the highest bar possible and to reach all of their financial goals. Kendra graduated from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business with an MBA in Finance & Accounting where she was an active member of AAMBAA and InterVarsity. She received her Bachelors in Science in Mathematics from the University of Albany – SUNY.
Learn more about Kendra through her LinkedIn!